- EB is an interactive online English learning and knowledge-building programme for secondary students.
Fun and Friends is an interactive online English language programme that uses award-winning animations, stories and videos to engage and motivate
children to learn English.
Fun and Friends Book Club provides a set of fun, interactive readers that develop and enhance your child's English-language skills from reading
and listening, to speaking and storytelling!
ENG is a new series developed to help students learn and use English across the curriculum, using multimedia content from National Geographic.
- SD2 is an English skills development programme designed to help students achieve success in the HKDSE exam.
DSE** is an effective online HKDSE skills development programme, specifically designed to help students succeed in the Reading sections of the
HKDSE English Language Examination.
- Wiseman Classics is an interactive and language-rich book series where you can enjoy a variety of inspiring classic stories.
...and More |
Support |
Please check FAQ to learn about our suggestions for problems or contact us!
Installation and login
1.1 |
How can I get the EB User Manual?
If you do not have Acrobat Reader installed, please download the viewers from here:
1.2 |
Where can I watch the EB Online Guided Tour?
1.3 |
What is the system requirement of EB?
Basic Requirement
PC |
- Microsoft Windows 10 version 1809 or later, Microsoft Windows 11
- Google Chrome v80 to 127(Recommended), Microsoft Edge v17 to 127
Mac |
- macOS v10.14 – 10.15, v11 to 14
- Safari version 11 to 17, Google Chrome v80 to 127
Tablet / Mobile users |
- iOS 11 to 17; Android 4.4 to 14
- iOS: Safari 11 to 17;Android: Google Chrome v80 to 127
1.4 |
How can I download the necessary software?
With the use of HTML 5, there is no need to download flash player. HTML 5 is adopted to replace Flash Player in EB. Flash will no longer be supported by Adobe in 2020.
If you need further information, you can email our Customer Service Department at eb@wiseman.com.hk or call our service hotline (852) 3188 2600 during our office hours. Please state clearly your School Name, Class and Username.
1.5 |
What should I do if I forget my password?
Use “Forgot Password” feature
If you have not entered a valid email address in your profile, then you can use the Forgot Password feature to recover your password. Your password will be sent directly to your registered email.
- Back to the Wiseman Education home page
- Find Forgot Password under the password input box
- Enter your Username
- Click Retrieve Password
- Check your registered email to recover your password
Contact us
If you have not input your email in your Profile, please contact our Service Team at (852) 3188 2600 during normal office hours or fill in this [ Service Form ].
1.6 |
What should I consider when choosing a name in the profile?
Your name will be seen when you login is also the name that will appear in rankings charts, so please choose carefully and avoid anything that could cause offence and reflect negatively on you.
Here are some hints to help you decide on your name:
- Opt for an alias that reflects your personality
- You may like to use the names of your favourite pets, movie characters, sports stars etc.
- Include memorable numbers in your name to make it unique from the others.
Remember, your name is an extension of you. Have fun with it, but also remember that what you choose could affect you in the long term so choose carefully and creatively.
Questions during lessons
2.1 |
I can’t start my lesson and “Lesson Timeout” is shown. What should I do?
Your login will expire after being idle for 15 minutes. Please re-login to EB if you see a session timeout. If you constantly encounter session
timeout problems on your computer, please try to delete the browser's cookies as shown below:-
For Chrome
- Logout EB
- Close all Chrome
- Reopen a new Chrome
- Click customize and control Google Chrome at the top right coner; or
Press "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "Delete" (read 7.)
- Click History
- Click Clear browsing data...
- Tick "Cookies and other site and plug-in data" and "Cached images and files", then click "Clear browsing data"
- Login to EB and start a lesson
If your problem still exists, or you need further information, you can email our Customer Service Department at
eb@wiseman.com.hk or call our service hotline (852) 3188 2600 during our office hours. Please state clearly
your School Name, Class and Username.
2.2 |
I can't do the Speaking exercise. What should I do?
To use the new recording feature, Flash 10 should be installed. The system will automatically detect if you need to upgrade your flash player or not. You will also need a microphone to do the recording.
If you need further information, you can email our Customer Service Department at eb@wiseman.com.hk or call our service hotline (852) 3188 2600 during our office hours. Please state clearly your School Name, Class and Username.
2.3 |
Why do we have “Easy” and “Challenging” sub-levels to choose from?
The new EB is designed to address learner diversity. Students can work on the "Easy" sub-level to strengthen their basic skills. Students looking for a challenge can work on the "Challenging" sub-level to test their abilities.
2.4 |
What are the differences between the two sub-levels?
The length of the passages, the number of questions, the use of vocabulary and the question formats differ between "Easy" and "Challenging". If you work on the "Easy" sub-level, the maximum score you can get is 85%. If you work on the "Challenging" sub-level, you will have a chance to get full marks.
2.5 |
Why some lessons are locked in the lesson list?
When you are doing EB under ‘Teacher’s Pick” or ‘Editor’s Choice”, you must finish the lessons that are assigned to you during a specific period before you can work on other lessons.
2.6 |
I can only see a blank screen with a red ‘X’ cross when I click on the lesson. What should I do?
Plese click here to find the solution.
About submission
3.1 |
Can I re-do my submitted lessons or part of exercises?
EB will allow a student to re-do any completed lesson/s with the permission and approval of his or her teacher. Such requests should be made by the teacher and action will be taken only upon the teacher's instructions. If there is any special reason to re-do any lesson, please feel free to share it with us and we shall review it on a case by case basis to maintain fairness in the EB Rankings.
Should you have any further enquiries, please feel free to contact us at eb@wiseman.com.hk.
3.2 |
How can I revise the lessons after submission?
You can revise your lesson by clicking on the lesson name in the lesson list (Select ‘Lessons’ from the pull down menu, then click ‘ lesson name’ to select). |
Score and answers
4.1 |
Some students are copying answers online. How can we avoid it?
Last year we identified this problem and have implemented the following:
- Advanced Encryption. We improved our encryption so now people cannot copy and paste the answers. This was the main way students cheated. We solved it.
- No Multiple Windows. Students see disordered code if they try to use a browser’s open link in new window function.
- No Duplicate Login. We have eradicated the ability to login EB with different browsers or PCs and just copy the answers from one to the other.
- No Logout in Lessons. If they close the browsers, their answers will still be recorded.
- Posting Answers on websites. Any reports coming to us are followed through. We try to discourage and warn them before we take actions.
- Random Question Generation Randomly generated questions ensure a different set of questions for every student
The ONLY way to cheat on EB.
- Call a friend and have the answers supplied, post answers to individuals, or correctly guess them.
Unfortunately ALL homework offers the opportunity for cheating, but we have put in place measures to address this problem as far as possible.
4.2 |
Why do we show the answers? Doesn’t this help students to cheat?
We display the answers as it is proven to help students' learning, and we don’t want to penalise the vast majority of learners who do not cheat.
5.1 |
How often will the Rankings be updated?
The rankings are updated every 15 minutes.
6.1 |
Why do we start with listening for English learning?
The research and the experts agree: learning how to listen is the first step in learning any language. That is why EB and Fun ‘n’ Friends put listening centre stage in all our English lessons. Students always begin with a listening exercise, then progress through reading, speaking and writing.
Our lessons are defined by :
1) Authenticity
Authentic texts are those that have been produced in the course of genuine communication. Examples include news reports, advertisements, film clips and trailers. Use of authentic texts, such as those used in Fun and Friends, helps students cope successfully with genuine communication outside the classroom.
(For further information on the importance of authenticity in language learning, please see the reference on David Nunan below.)
2) Input
Listening has been viewed as a primary vehicle for language learning, and comprehensive input is a necessary condition for language learning.
(For further information on the importance of input in language learning, please see the reference on Michael Rost below.)
3) Effectiveness
Effective teaching involves
- careful selection of input sources (appropriately authentic, interesting, varied and challenging)
- integration of listening with other learning purposes (with appropriate links to speaking, reading and writing)
(For further information on the importance of effective teaching in language learning, please see the reference on Michael Rost below.)
4) Listen, Listen, Listen to English
Listening is especially important for beginners. Beginners should spend 95% of their study time listening to English.
5) 先聽讀後說寫
~ 美國南加州大學英語教學及語言學退休教授 Stephen Krashen
1) From the Traditional to the Contemporary in Second Language Teaching and Learning
David Nunan
About David Nunan
In 2000, Nunan served as President of TESOL Inc., the world's largest language teaching association, and was the first person to serve as President from outside North America. Previously Nunan has served as Chair and Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Hong Kong and has been involved in the teaching of graduate programs for such institutions as the University of Hawaii, Monterey Institute for International Studies, Sophia University, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand and many others. He is Academic Advisor to the GlobalEnglish Corporation, and is on the Executive Committee of The International Research Foundation for English Language Education.
2) The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Ch1 Listening (Michael Rost)
Source: http://assets.cambridge.org/052180/1273/sample/0521801273ws.pdf
About Michael Rost
Michael Rost is a prolific author of such global titles as Worldview and Longman English Interactive. He is also series editor of many popular titles in Japan, particularly the English Firsthand series and the Impact series. He has also authored several influential academic articles and books, including Teaching and Researching Listening. Michael has been active in teaching and teacher training for more than 20 years. He has taught in Japan, West Africa, Southeast Asia, England and the U.S. He specialises in oral language development and learner strategies.
3) How to Learn Beginning English
4) 先聽讀後說寫
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